NSF AAPF Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Astronomy, Yale University
Curriculum Vitae (updated 11/2024)
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This is a concise collection of texts, webpages, and lectures that I’ve found useful in my research or career.
Scientific Writing and Communication, Angie Hofmann
Astrophysics Of Gaseous Nebulae And Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN^2), Osterbrock & Ferland
The Physics and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei, Netzer
Massive black holes in galactic nuclei: Observations (Vestergaard & Gültekin 2023)
Coevolution (Or Not) of Supermassive Black Holes and Host Galaxies (Kormendy & Ho 2013)
Seeds to monsters: tracing the growth of black holes in the universe (Natarajan 2014)
Active galactic nuclei: what’s in a name? (Padovani et al. 2017)